Sunday, 27 March 2011


Today I dreamt that I was in the future. I was jobless and looking for a job and one of my friend, whose father is a banker in China, told me that I could go at his father's bank to get some work experience. I accepted the offer and went to China and work at the bank. It was a surreal place, where the bank would float in the air, and you would go from one floor to another by electromagnetism or something like that.

While I was working at the bank, I was kind of getting a bit too relaxed. One day, we had the big boss of the bank who came, and we had to get in order and bow to him. When the boss came to me, he saw that my shirt, trousers and jacket were not very clean and neat. So he took me apart and sermoned me about how important it is for their company to be in order, showing some respect to the customers. He explained me about his childhood and how he created this bank by being neat etc. In the end, I was really guilty and scarred of him. I excused myself and told him I would never do so again.

This is funny because tomorrow, I am going to start working. So I guess I better be professional, neat and working hard.