Tuesday, 18 May 2010


In bed, I dreamt I was in class in my university. One of my current teacher was teaching us about something and said we would have a test the next day. Therefore I worked all night on the notes and concepts, and stayed up for it. I did many exercises on the desk of my room. The day of the exam, the teacher gave us the paper. I read it. We had a diagram with many points, and a starting point. The exercise was to link with the minimum of lines all the points, starting from the starting point and calculate the minimum line when you have n points. I think that was the exercise. I struggled so much to do it, I remember starting drawing the lines going right, going left, doing the calculation with matrices and scalars. It was just too tough for me, although I think it is easy. When I looked at my friend, he seemed to finish it so quick and so easy. When the teacher was passing around in the room. He looked at my paper and smiled. Time was over and I woke up.


  1. c une super idee de blog ca... il fo qur tu retrouves la demoiselle!

  2. Merci. J'espere bien rencontrer cette mademoiselle un jour
